A major chemical industry province strives to solve energy resource constraints

On July 26, the “Regulations on Promotion of the Conversion of New and Old Kinetic Energy in Shandong Province” was reviewed and approved by the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People’s Congress and will come into effect on October 1 this year. The “Regulations” further clarified the dominant industrial status of high-end chemicals in Shandong and made institutional arrangements to solve the energy resource constraints of industrial transformation and upgrading.

It is understood that the “Regulations” stipulate the establishment and improvement of land use, water use, energy consumption, pollutant discharge, etc. The enterprise performance evaluation system is oriented to the output efficiency of unit resource elements, and the enterprise classification evaluation system of per mu efficiency is used to improve the input-output rate and promote the concentration of resource elements in high-quality and efficient fields. In this regard, Shi Xiao, deputy director of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People’s Congress, explained: “For many years, our province’s industrial and energy consumption structure has been biased, which has led to extremely tight energy indicators, especially coal consumption indicators in the province. Effectively crack down on energy resources, land space Constrained by other factors, we must give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, forcing enterprises to take the initiative to save energy and reduce consumption.”

Shandong chemical companies that are accelerating the implementation of industrial transformation and upgrading have encountered many “troubles”. In Zibo Qilu Chemical Industrial Park, two projects covering an area of ​​3,000 acres have signed strategic cooperation agreements, but the land quota is not enough. In Weifang, the new material project proposed by Xinhecheng Co., Ltd. waited for the emission targets to no avail, and finally chose to settle in Ningbo at the end of last year. Fan Jinhao, the company’s safety director, revealed that a project of one of their subsidiaries has also been put on hold due to lack of energy consumption and emission indicators.

<span style="font-size: 16px" The energy consumption and emission indicators are no longer "inspiring" to be selected into the project library. A company in the province invested 13 billion yuan in a green chemical new material project. Although it was included in the first batch of selected projects in the provincial major project database last year, the project land and energy consumption indicators have not been resolved for a long time, and it has only recently been unveiled.

In addition, Shandong Province currently implements strict total coal consumption control, and various localities have eliminated and then vacated the original old projects. The indicators released will usually be allocated to new projects through downgrade methods such as halving. “Many new projects have limited quotas that can be reduced, and they will become even less after the halving.” said Li Baodong, director of the Weifang Industrial Development Promotion Center.

It is understood that the upcoming “Regulations” will focus on industrial improvement, optimizing government services, stimulating market vitality, etc. , providing legal guarantee for the province to adjust its economic structure, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and promote high-quality development. The “Regulations” clarify that high-end chemical industry is one of the “top ten” industries and one of the five advantageous industries; it is clear that various localities can determine the priority development of industrial clusters based on actual choices, and the provincial government will make overall plans based on the province’s productivity layout, and in the land, capital, and energy consumption indicators Provide key support from other aspects to give full play to the agglomeration and synergy effects of industrial clusters. At the same time, it is proposed to establish a unified energy consumption big data platform across the province to provide basic support for unit energy consumption output benefit evaluation and energy rights trading; promote the paid use and trading of energy rights, and establish a unified provincial allocation system for energy use indicators , which is a great benefit to chemical companies.

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