Additives are not drugs, plus show miraculous results, why add silicone additives in pesticides?

Traditional pesticide spray, only 20-30% of the liquid can be stored on the leaves of the crop, 70-80% of the pesticide are lost to the soil and atmospheric environment, both to increase the drug residue, and pollution of the environment, but also a waste of water resources. So, scientists tried to find a more efficient additives, can make more liquid on the leaves, and quickly spread, then, only a small amount of spray, you can make the pesticide more quickly and effectively contact the invading enemy. After unremitting efforts and trials, scientists have finally developed agricultural silicone additives, agricultural silicone additives have the following effects.

1, rapid wetting of crops, significantly improve the drug

Specific examples can be reflected from the following: rice longitudinal leaf borer, a rice pest. In order to escape from the pesticide spray, this guy spits out silk threads and carefully weaves a security fortress for itself. Like a button, the threads hold the leaves together and roll them up, and the borer hides in this fortress. Then, from the inside to the outside, sucking the sap of the leaves, I did not expect, so well intentioned, but easily taken by the pervasive magical organosilicon additives, the liquid quickly spread, into the gap into the fortress, to the rice longitudinal leaf borer to catch a fish in a jar.

The field with 48% chlorpyrifos emulsion to prevent the rice longitudinal leaf borer, the amount of water per mu in more than 45 kg. Add 0.05% of silicone additives to the liquid, only 15 kg of water per mu, you can achieve the desired insecticidal effect and liquid preservation effect. In this way, not only save water resources, but also save workload.

Therefore, farmers must remember that after the addition of silicone additives, spraying does not need to be repeatedly sprayed as in the past, otherwise it will be counterproductive and a waste of manpower and material resources.

2, super penetration, so that the drug quickly reach the target.

In nature, many plants have a thick layer of wax on the leaves, the drug solution is difficult to adhere to it. The special structure of some leaves, such as lotus leaves, taro, etc., it is almost difficult to let the water stay. And the pests often use every possible means to escape capture. Look, this kale is not damaged on the surface, but when you break open the leaf, it has been eaten by small vegetable moths. The cunning little vegetable moth gobbled up the leaves, but it did not chew it through, but left a thin layer of epidermis, like a safe umbrella, to protect them below. So, silicone against the waxy layer on the leaves, there is no trick? The delightful thing happened again. The leaves did not form droplets, silicone super spreading performance, so that the liquid in the waxy leaves, but also expand freely. Look, these are eating the leaves of the small vegetable moth, none of them are spared.

Field trials have shown that in the control of small vegetable moth pesticide, adding 0.03% to 0.05% (2000 ~ 3000 times) of silicone additives, in the case of comparable effectiveness, not only can reduce the amount of spray, but also appropriate to reduce the amount of pesticide. Thus effectively reducing the pesticide residues in vegetables. Organosilicon additives can also promote the rapid absorption of pesticides through the stomata on plant leaves. We use water to simulate rainwater washing, the left side added silicone additives to the liquid, has partially entered the leaves, while the right side failed to enter the leaves of the ordinary liquid was quickly washed away. It was found that the addition of silicone additive could improve the reliability of using internal absorption agents. During the rainy season, losses from repeated sprays are reduced. This penetrating property of silicones can also be used against pests that have a waxy layer and are not easily wetted by the liquid.

In fact, silicone can be used for much more than that. It can be used as a highly effective additive in a wide range of agrochemical sprays such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, foliar fertilizers, plant growth regulators, trace elements and biopesticides. It achieves the purpose of efficiency enhancement, water saving, labor saving, drug saving, pesticide loss reduction and pesticide residue reduction.

What ratios should be used for such amazing silicone additives? Here, we would like to ask you to remember the following set of numbers.

Insecticide 0.025~0.1% (1000~4000 times)

Fungicides 0.015~0.05% (2000~7000 times)

Herbicides 0.025~0.15% (700~4000 times)

Plant growth regulator 0.025~0.05% (2000~4000 times)

Fertilizer with trace elements 0.015~0.1% (1000~7000 times)

In the field war without smoke and mirrors, organosilicon is like a magical and powerful new weapon that brings farmers a great help to increase production and income. However, when using this new weapon, there are a few points to pay special attention to. First, that is, to use, with a good solution as soon as possible to use up. The second is to reduce the amount of water used for spraying, and properly speed up the speed of spray walking. Third, spraying, should be in accordance with the requirements of the use of pesticides, wearing protective gear, with special attention to eye protection.

The traditional spraying method uses about 40-50 kilograms of water per mu, and fruit trees need double the amount of water. After using a small amount of silicone additives, it can be reduced to 15-20 kg per mu. If combined with low-volume spraying technology, the water consumption per mu can also be reduced to 5~10 kg.


3, increase the spraying area, save water and energy and money.


Farmer friends and a very concerned about the issue, silicone additives used after the use, will not be a little uneconomical? Increase the use of silicone additives to see, one is to save water, in addition to save labor, improve the effectiveness of pharmaceuticals, we recently learned from an orange farmer in Guangdong, in the past to his orange garden pesticide, to use 1000 yuan of pesticides, plus 6000 kg of water, then now add silicone, counting silicone, he only used 800 yuan, as long as 4000 kg of water will be enough. Now the cost of labor is 175 yuan, in the past it was 312.5 yuan. This saves.

In 2006, silicone auxiliaries began to promote a large area in China, its magical power is attracting more and more farmers’ interest, so farmers have another good helper in production. Then it seems that silicone additives to save money and increase efficiency, is indeed a good helper for farmers.

Silicone features: 1.

1. enhance the adhesion of the liquid, improve the utilization rate of pesticides, reduce the loss of liquid

2. excellent wetting and expansion, reduce the contact angle between the spray solution and the leaf surface, increase the coverage

3. promote the absorption of endosorbent agents through the stomata, resistant to rainwater erosion

4. Reasonably reduce the amount of pesticides, reduce the amount of water used for spraying, save labor and time, energy saving and environmental protection

5. low expansibility, can promote the endosmosis fungicide and herbicide through the stomata of plant foliage directly diffuse into the plant flesh tissue, play a good auxiliary absorption role.

6. Good mixability, can be mixed with a variety of pesticides (insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, foliar fertilizers, biofertilizers).

Scope of application.

As a barrel-mixed spraying aid, silicone can be used with agrochemicals such as insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, plant growth regulator, foliar fertilizer, trace elements and biological pesticide.

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