Characteristics and application areas of polyurea sprayers

Characteristics and application areas of polyurea sprayer equipment|At present, polyurea spraying equipment is used in various scenarios to carry out operations, and has widely become an excellent construction equipment for major enterprises.Polyurea sprayers include the host computer, spray guns, feed pumps, feed tubes, A-parts, R-parts, heated hoses and many other parts, which must be reasonably connected to ensure the smooth completion of the spraying operation. Next, we will take you to understand the characteristics and application areas of polyurea sprayer equipment.

Polyurea spraying small equipment can be commonly used in various fields:

1, high-speed railroad, tunnel, road, concrete pavement bridge waterproofing.

2, a variety of industrial and civil construction roofing waterproofing.

3, industrial and civil construction of underground waterproofing, moistureproof and indoor swimming pool, consumer pool and other structures waterproofing.

Advantages of polyurea sprayer equipment:

1. In the construction and use, it is non-toxic and non-polluting, known as “green materials and green technology”.

2. Organic combination of material protection and spraying technology improves project quality and progress.

3. The coating is dense, continuous, no joints, and the protective performance is excellent.

4. Fast construction speed. One piece of equipment requires 3 to 4 people to operate, and can build more than 1000 square meters per day, which is 15 to 20 times of the traditional technology, thus reducing the influence of the weather on the construction progress to a certain extent.

5. The material has good flexibility, high strength, corrosion resistance and aging resistance.

6. The color is gorgeous and can be adjusted arbitrarily, which will completely change the appearance of “running water yellow” of Chinese steel structure.


Polyurea characteristics:

1, polyurea is a two-component reaction material, 100% curing, no volatilization, no pollution, friendly to the environment, belongs to the environmental protection materials.

2, insensitive to temperature and humidity, can be constructed in -28 ° conditions, even in the ice can be sprayed solid words.

3, does not contain catalyst non-volatile, fast solidification, can be in any curved surfaces, slopes, planes and vertical surfaces on the spray molding, and does not produce the phenomenon of hanging, 10 seconds or so the initial condensation, 1 minute can be on the people walking.

4, super physical and chemical properties, high tensile and impact strength, flexibility, abrasion resistance, aging resistance, anti-slippery, anti-corrosion.

5, good adhesion, can be used in concrete, steel structure, wood and many other materials.

Paint spraying waste gas treatment-RCO regenerative catalytic combustion method

Paint spraying process has a wide range of applications, including but not limited to machinery, furniture, automotive, marine and other industries. And spray painting will produce most of the VOCs organic waste gas, this kind of waste gas is not as high as the concentration of pharmaceutical waste gas, air volume is large, but also belong to the more difficult to deal with a kind of waste gas.

How to deal with the waste gas of the spray paint room, spraying production workshop organic waste gas from the paint coating with the solvent in the whole process of paint spraying evaporation of paint mist and drying the whole process of the volatile organic waste gas, called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the key components for benzene, xylene, xylene, and so on. Generally speaking, the water content of VOCs (industrial waste gas) caused by the whole process of applying organic solvents in the middle coating, top coating and cleaning is large. The actual assembly workshop, caused by the number of industrial emissions are spraying room, drying room, paint mixing room, drying room, etc., and not the same production workshop caused by the organic exhaust gas composition is different.

RCO regenerative catalytic combustion method works on the principle that: the first step is the adsorption of VOC molecules by the catalyst, which improves the concentration of reactants, and the second step is the catalytic oxidation stage, which reduces the activation energy of the reaction and improves the reaction rate. With the help of catalyst can make organic waste gas in the lower ignition temperature, anaerobic combustion, decomposition into CO2 and H2O release a lot of heat, compared with the direct combustion, has a low ignition temperature, energy consumption is small, in some cases to reach the ignition temperature without external heating, the reaction temperature of 250-400 ℃.

We focus on continuing to print, spraying, dyeing, electronics, plastics, furniture, oil refining, rubber, chemical, paper, leather, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and other malodorous gases, industrial waste gas purification and treatment of the industry in-depth analysis of the problem.

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