Tin Catalyst T-9

Tin Catalyst T-9
1. Chemical Product and Manufacturer

A. Product Name: Tin Catalyst T9
B. Recommended Use and Restrictions on Use
• Recommended Use: Paints and general solvents
C. Manufacturer/Importer/Distributor
• Supplier: Shanghai Qiguang Industry and Trade Co., LTD
• Address: Floor 5, qiguang building, 581 yanchang middle road, Shanghai
• Information Service or Emergency Contact Number: +86-21-56777378
• Department in Charge: Safety Environment Team

2. Hazards·Risks
A. Classification of Hazards·Risks
• According to GHS regulations standard is not classified as hazardous category.
B. Warning Sign, Including Caution
• Pictograph: No pictograph.
• Signal words: No signal words.
• Hazard·Risk Words: No hazard/signal words.
• Precaution Words: No precaution words.
C. Other Hazards and Risks Not Included in the Hazard and Risk Classification (NFPA)
• Public Health: 0, Fire: 1, Reactivity: 0

3. Name and Contents of Ingredients
Substance Name Tin dioctoate
CAS No. 301-10-0
Contents (%) 100

4. First Aid Measures
A. Eye
• Irrigate eyes with a heavy stream of water for over 15 minutes.
B. Skin
• Wash clothing or shoes contaminated with a chemical substance before reuse.
• Take off and remove clothing or shoes contaminated with a chemical substance.
• Immediately take off and wash with soapy water for over 15 minutes to remove
chemical substances.
C. Inhalation
• If effects of exposure appear move the patient to a non-polluted area.
• If chemical is inhaled, consult with medical personnel immediately.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

D. Ingestion
• If chemicals are ingested, consult with medical personnel.
E. First Aid and Doctor’s Caution: No data.

5. Fire Fighting and Explosion Measures
A. Suitable (Unsuitable) Fire Extinguishing Agents
• Suitable Fire Extinguishing Agents: CO2, powder fire extinguishing agent, water,
ordinary foam.
• Unsuitable Fire Extinguishing Agents: No data.
• For Big Fires: Use an ordinary fire fighting agent and a fine water spray.
B. Specific Hazards from Chemical Substances
• Pyrolysis Products: Acids, aldehydes, carbon monoxide.
• Fire and Explosion risk: Slight risk of fire.
C. Protective Devices to Wear for Fire Extinguishing and Preventive Actions
• Move the case from near the fire if work can be done without risk.
• Spray high-pressure water on the leaked substance to prevent scattering.
• Construct a bank for further processing.
• Use a fire extinguisher that has been used and found effective for nearby fire.
• Avoid inhalation of substances or their fumes.
• Stand facing the wind and avoid low areas.

6. Measures for Accidental Spillages
A. Actions and Protective Devices Required to Protect the Body
• Workers should only stop a chemical spill if it is not dangerous to do so.
B. Actions for the Protection of the Environment
• Air: No data.
• Soil: No data.
• Water: No data.
C. Purification or Removal Method
• Small Spills
– For further disposal, move the leaked substance to a suitable case and dispose.
– Absorb using nonflammable substances.
– Quarantine the exposed area and restrict access to the area except for the related
• Big Spills: No data.

7. Handling and Storage
A. Tips for Safe Handling
• Store in an enclosed case.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

• Ventilate using an overall or local air exhauster.
• Wash the body and clothing after using chemicals.
B. Safe Storage
• Store in an enclosed case.
• Store in a cool and dry place.
• Avoid contact with moisture.
• Avoid contact with halogens and intermediate halogens.
• Store and use in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant
government department and local self-governing bodies.
• Store in well-vented areas.

8. Prevention of Exposure and Personal Protective Devices
A. Exposure Standard of Chemicals, Biological Exposure Criteria
• Domestic Regulations: No data.
• ACGIH Regulations: No data.
• Biological Exposure Criteria: No data.
B. Suitable Engineering Management
• Check whether the work process complies with the allowable standards and
exposure standards of the Ministry of Labor.
• Install a ventilation device, such as a local exhauster, to ensure a suitable control
wind speed.
C. Personal Protective Devices
• Protection of Respiratory Organs
– Make sure to wear protection devices certified by KOSHA.
• Eye Protection
– Install an emergency shower and basins for easy use by workers.
– Wear protective glasses to protect the eyes from scattering substances.
• Eye Protection
– Wear chemical resistant gloves to avoid the direct contact of water and
• Body Protection
– Wear chemical resistant protective wear to protect the skin.

9. Physical/Chemical Characteristics
A. Appearance
• Physical Properties: Liquid.
• Color: Achromatic.
B. Smell: Odorless.
C. pH: N/A
D. Melting Point/Freezing Point : -32 ℃.
E. Initial Boiling Point and Range of Boiling Point: 229 ~ 232℃.
F. Flash Point: 121 ℃ (PMCC).

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

G. Steam Pressure: 0.0319 ㎜ Hg (at 25℃).
H. Water Solubility: Soluble (1000g/L).
I. Steam Density: 4.63 (air=1).
J. Specific Gravity: 1.02-1.04 (water=1).
K. Viscosity: 107 cP (at 20 ℃).
L. Molecular Weight: 134.18.

10. Stability and Reactivity
A. Chemical Stability: Stable at room temperature and normal pressure.
B. Possibility of hazardous reaction: No polymerization.
C. Conditions to Avoid
• Avoid heat, flames, sparks and other sources of ignition. Avoid contact with
substances that are prohibited for mixing.
D. Substances to Avoid
• Acids, bases, combustible substances, halogen carbon chemicals, metals,
metallic salts, oxidizers, reducers.
E. Hazardous Substances Created at the Time of Decomposition
• Pyrolysis products or burning products: Carbon oxide.

11. Information on Toxicity
A. Information on Route of Highly Likely Exposure
• Respiratory Organ: No data.
• Oral: No data.
• Skin Contact: No data.
• Eye Contact: No data.
B. Delay by Short-term and Long-term Exposure, Acute Effects and Chronic Effects
• Acute Toxicity
– Oral: LD50 2000 ㎎/㎏ rat (Classification 4 by the Ministry of Labor).
– Percutaneous: LD50 > 16000 ㎎/㎏ rabbit.
– Inhalation: No data.
• Skin Corrosion or Stimulation
– Rabbit/OECD Guide-line 404: No irritation.
– Human/Skin (104 mg/2D): Moderate irritation.
– Male/Skin (10%/2D): Moderate irritation.
– Children/Skin (30%/96H): Moderate irritation.
• Severe Eye Damage or Irritation
– Human/Eye: Weak irritation.
– Rabbit/Eye(100 mg): Minor irritation.
• Hypersensitivity of Respiratory Organ: No data.
• Skin Hypersensitivity: Human/Draize Test: No hypersensitivity.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

• Carcinogenicity
– IARC: No data.
– NTP: No data.
– OSHA: No data.
– WISHA: No data.
– ACGIH: No data.
• Mutagenesis of reproductive cells
– In vitro – Salmonella typhimurium/TA 98, TA100, TA1535, TA1537 (Reverse
Mutation Test; Ames Test): Negative; Human/sister chromatid exchange test:
• Reproductive Toxicity
– If 1230 mg/kg is administered to a pregnant rabbit for 10 days as food, no effect on
fertilization rate is observed together with no effect on the survival rate of the
embryo or mother.
– Skeletal system and teratogenesis are the biggest index for toxicity in the embryo
and none in the mother. It is observed in mouse ≥500 mg/kg/day and rat ≥1,000
mg/kg/day. Effects on the weight and survival rate of the embryo occur at the
higher densities.
• Target Organ·Whole Body Poisonous Substance (One Exposure)
– Non-toxicity symptom is the restriction of central nerve if anesthetized. No organ to
• Target Organ·Whole Body Poisonous Substance (Repeated Exposure)
– If exposed to rats for 90 days, weight and feed intake decreases, but no change is
seen in the clinical-chemical and blood values. No toxic effects on organs (liver,
kidney, pancreas and lung).
• Inhalation Toxicity: No data.

12. Effects on Environment
A. Aquatic·Terrestrial Ecological Toxicity
• Fish: LC50 710 ㎎/ℓ 96 hr Oncorhynchus mykiss.
• Crustacean: EC50 > 1000 ㎎/ℓ 48 hr Daphnia magna.
• Birds: EC50 > 1000 ㎎/ℓ 72 hr Selenastrum capricornutum.
B. Residual Tendency and Resolvability
• Residual Tendency: log Kow -1.4.
• Resolvability: No data.
C. Biological Condensability
• Condensability: BCF< 1.
• Biological Condensability: > 60 (%) 10 days.
D. Soil Mobility: No data.
E. Other Hazardous Effects: No data.

13. Caution for Disposal

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

A. Disposal Method
• Discard the contents and case according to the regulations if it is regulated in the
Waste Management Act.
B. Caution for Disposal
• Consider the caution indicated in the regulations if it is regulated in the Waste
Management Act.

14. Information on Transportation
A. CB No.: No information on the classification of the Transport of Hazardous
B. Suitable Ship Name: N/A.
C. Class of Risk at Transportation: N/A.
D. Case Grade: N/A.
E. Marine Pollutants: No data.
F. Special Measures That a User Should Know with Regard to Transportation or Means of
• Emergency Measures for Fire: N/A.
• Emergency Measures for Leakage: N/A.

15. Legal Regulation Status
A. Regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Acts: No data.
B. Regulations of the Hazardous Chemical Management Act: No data.
C. Regulations by the Hazardous Substance Safety Management Act: 4 Class 3 Petroleum
(Soluble Liquid) 4000ℓ.
D. Regulations by the Waste Management Act: No data.

16. Other References

Care theMSDS with reference to Shanghai Qiguang Industry and Trade Co., LTD provide
MSDS to edit and modify.
This security specifications information provided is accurate in the day of its release, the
information given as a safe handling, storage,instructions such as storage, transportation,
processing, and can’t be as a guarantee and quality index, this information is used to specify
the material only and should not be used in other related substances, unless otherwise

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